This was the last tournament for Willowdale 2024 bowling season. It was early in October and the weather was sunny warm. We played on the artificial green and had full house (16 teams of Open Pairs).
The day started with a great breakfast . Tim Bits, Raisin Bread, Home Made One Bite Muffins, Coffee and Tea. After the first game, the bowlers came in to have their lunch and the club provided a Vegetable Tray, a Fruit Tray, a Cheese Tray, Lemonade, Coffee & Tea. After the second game the bowlers came in for a Lovely Piece of Pie with Ice Cream, Coffee & Tea. They all went back for the third game to finish the competition.
We awarded 5 prizes and a random draw for the none-winning teams. The champions for the day were, Vince Donohoe and Chrystal Shepard from Willowdale LBC. All and all, it was a fantastic day to end the Bowling Season. We hope to see you all back next year.
Thank you all.
Jack Siboni,
Willowdale Outside Tournament Chair.