Hi Bob,
Thank you for your interest in the seminars. No price has been set yet. It will depend on how many people will attend. As of today twenty-two people have shown interest in attending. The more attending, the cheaper it will be. A good guess would be about one hundred dollars for the three seminars or thirty-five dollars per seminar.
As for the dead patches at the end of the green, they are caused by using the same rink most of the time. For some reason most club bowlers like to bowl on the center or on the best rinks you have. The best advice I can gave you is make a schedule of rink movement. If your green is square use this movement:
- Start with north/south with three settings, A,B and C. Bowl on A setting for three days same with B and C.
- After nine days change direction to east/west and start over again. This way you can let the ends of north and south rest for nine days.
- After nine more days rest the east and west. This way you spread the wear and tear around.
- And don’t be afraid to use the outside rinks. The more you use the outside rinks the better they will get.