The Bill Donald Memorial was the last tournament at Willowdale LBC for the 2023 season. Bill Donald passed away peacefully on Jan. 8th, 2023, he was a Life Member of Willowdale LBC.
The tournament was well-attended with 12 Mixed Triples Teams made up of bowlers from various lawn bowling clubs (Agincourt, Brampton, Balmy Beach, Midland, Milton, Cosburn, Pickering, Woodstock, and Willowdale) and a number of Willowdale long-time members came to Celebrate Bill's Life. A fabulous lunch was served, for about 60 people, organized by Emma Varga, (a Life Member of Willowdale) with the help of many ladies volunteers who also contributed some food. Canterbury Place, where Bill resided in his last years, donated a lovely cake and small pastries for dessert.
The team of, Albert Wu (Willowdale) Stanley Ho, and Helena Ho (Agincourt) was the tournament winner, and the team of Vince Donohoe, Chrystal Shephard (Willowdale ), and Glen Patton (Midland) was the runner-up. The weather was sunny and warm. We will all miss Bill Donald, may he rest in peace.