Tournament Date:
July 20, 2019
Tournament Format:
Mixed Fours
Tournament Results and Notes:
With entries limited to District 10 only, we received an equal number of entries from Cosburn and Balmy-6 teams each. As such, it became a Balmy-Cosburn challenge, and the draw was done up to reflect this. After a total of 42 games, Cosburn teams took 25 of them, Balmy took 17. The prize winners were:
First place-Tom Trattner, Freda Trattner, Peter Stuart-Sheppard, Bev Lennox (Cosburn)
Second place-Mary Lou Richards, Mike Mogan, Rachel Jones, Kevin Boyce (Cosburn)
High First Round-Harry Hainey, Mary Hainey, George Ferries, Betty Mcquay (Cosburn)
High Second Round-Kim Mcnulty, Stew Macsween, Bert Harvey, Sarah Shutt (Balmy)
High Third Round-Kyle Knoeck, Bryan Weissenboeck, Judy Hemming, Mary Macdonald (Cosburn)
High Fourth Round-Cathy Larking, Richard Cripps, Eric Brands, Sandy Ford (Cosburn)
We are still looking for entries for our MVP Sports Novice OT tournament Aug 17-enter as an individual, we put teams together! 3-10 end games, plus a team skills competition. PLUS, one player drawn at random receives A NEW SET OF BOWLS!! Enter at